Wednesday 20 February 2019

Premier Classe Train - JHB to CPT

December Journey
Before we knew it, we were back in SA and on the Premier Classe train to Capetown. We love traveling on this train. It's a really good way to chill and relax. I would highly recommend it - a comfy bed, good food and well priced SA wines. You can rest or catch up on emails - the internet comes and goes - and the views out if the window through the Free State and the Karoo are great. The only problem is it often runs late and sometimes very late...This time we chose the minibus option from Worcester, because we had a rental car to pick up. I would suggest keeping your plans for day 1 in Capetown loose.
January Journey
Once again we drove to Park Station and dropped off our rental car, which is easy and safe. Otherwise, I would suggest using Uber. 
Premier Classe has a secure lounge in the station concourse. And we were back on the train to Cape town. This time with Rina and Menon, Hanli and Andrew. You can consume your own drinks in your cabin, so rounds of GnTs got us going.
After lunch, we were told the train was running late, but that we would be getting a new locomotive in Kimberly. We just enjoyed more wine and a nap. Dinner came and went and we lost track of where we were or how delayed the train was. We slept so well. By breakfast though, it was clear that the train was way behind schedule and we were offered a coach ride from Beaufort West to Capetown or the option of staying on the train another night. Most people in our half of the train opted to stay, as long as wine was available and meals would be served.

This involved a lot of calling ahead to change arrangements with hotels, car rental companies and friends. But everyone remained pretty relaxed. When the kitchen staff downed tools due to non-payment of overtime, I rallied a few troops with a plan to order take -out pizzas and have them delivered to the Beaufort West station. Luckily, the "strike" was quickly averted and meal service re- commensed. We all clapped and cheered when we reached Beaufort West.
We watched the other passengers schlepping off to the bus for a six hour drive to Capetown but we just cracked open another bottle of wine. The comeraderie in our dining car was festive and we met passengers from Brazil, Holland, Guyana and the UK. I don't know if we got another locomotive there or not, but we made it to Maatjiesfontein by dusk.
After dinner, we settled in for the second night.
Somewhere on the outskirts of Capetown, the train pulled into a siding for a few hours, the plan being getting us into the station and all off the train by 7am.
It's hard to explain how so much inconvenience can actually be that enjoyable! It certainly was an African adventure. We will definitely do it again, with flexible arrival plans in place.
Come on PRASA, get your house in order. Fix this before your reputation is ruined for good. The Premier Classe Train to Capetown is a real gem of a train journey for tourists! We have done overnight train journeys in Australia, the US, Europe and SE Asia and we still highly recommend this journey for value for money, comfort and enjoyment.
If punctuality is your only concern, take a flight!

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