Saturday 27 June 2009

Munich Again

We took the sleeper train from Paris to Munich, and collected Homer the next day. We ended up spending 2 weeks in Munich; catching up with friends and chores and doing more touristy stuff than when we lived here full time. The weather was mostly still cold and rainy. We spent many hours in the pubs watching the tennis and all the British Lions warm up games against the South African provincial teams. It was good to catch up with friends and fellow saffers. We went to the new BMW museum and did a day trip to the concentration camp memorial at Dachau.

Friday 26 June 2009


We started our Europe 2009 trip with a week in Paris. We went to 2 days of the French Open at Roland Garros. Paris is a great city for walking, so we dusted off the pedometers and got going. Let us hope we keep it up for the whole "summer". Not that summer had reached Paris by the last week of May! Of course the food and wine were great, so that probably cancels out the walking. In a complete fluke, we bumped into Theuns near Pompidou - he was on business from SA - what are the chances of that?

A boat as part of the plan ?

We have bought a catamaran that is currently down in the Cape. I am sure that next time you see Neil he will tell you all about the great lakes plan!

Biking to Groot Marico

Neil and Tommy did a bike trip to Groot Marico. Mostly dirt roads, lots of fun and plenty of good local food - not a lettuce leaf in sight!!

Moving to a new blog for

  This Travelling Life...the story seems that after 14 years and over 780 posts this blog has reached full capaci...