Monday 21 September 2020

Lockdown Day 178 - Sunday 20 September

For breakfast I made Sri Lankan hoppers; fermented coconut/rice pancakes with egg and sambal.
Some good habits started in Lockdown like daily blog writing and adventurous cooking will be easy to continue but others like walking and exercising and drawing have spluttered to a halt and will require some resurrection. I do need to spend time on my travel cookery blog again too. We're also in the habit of drinking really good coffee, wine, gin and whisky. We'll miss the Limpopo avos though- they are the best in the world!
I spent time sorting out the pantry/kitchen crates that fit in the drawer system of the new bakkie. This will be our first camping trip with the new car. 
I've been here many times before; the sadness of leaving mixed with the anticipation of what lies ahead. Story of my life, I guess.

Sunday 20 September 2020

Lockdown Day 177 - Saturday 19 September

We're moving on soon... After six months at Hippo Lodge, Ximongwe, we're making a move. In four days time we'll be off in the caravan. We will be back in late October for 5 days... "So long!" rather than "Good-bye". We had an awesome braai and celebrated the good times and great friendships of lockdown.I've moved home and country and continent enough times, so I know there'll be lots of adventures ahead. And we've been homeless since May 2008 so I know I'll always have a safe and happy place to lay my head. What's different though is an unknown future and the realisation that this world is not going back to the old "normal" any time soon. I am privileged I know but I am used to having an almost endless array of choices with regard to the when, where, who, how and what of my life. Even the why... and I am used to being in control of those choices. We are just planning month by month not year by year at the moment. This day 5 years ago we were in Brighton for the now infamous 2015 Rugby World Cup game between the Springboks and Japan. One of the most memorable days ever! From disbelief and disaster to Champions of the World in four years! There's a lesson for life in everything!

Lockdown Day 176 - Friday 18 September

We did an early morning game drive and identified lots of birds. Our lockdown bird list stands at 254 and it's getting harder to find new birds for the list. As summer approaches; the migrants should return and we may be able to add to our list. I'm not obsessed with lists; it's much more fun to just watch the birds every day; whether it's just doves and sparrows or something more rare and more interesting. I can really recommend Robert's Birding App. We found my ellie friend Skew Tusk eating tree bark and watched him for a long time. It's amazing how dexterous his trunk is. We did get a few raindrops at night and we hope more rain will be on the way soon. It's very dry at the moment and food for all the grazers and browsers is pretty scarce.

Saturday 19 September 2020

Lockdown Day 175- Thursday 17 September

Yet another chilled day. We joined Johan and Ronell for a gin tasting at their boma. A big herd of elephants came through the camp at sunset. One fellow decided to stay and join our gin tasting. He hung around between the two houses. Dom and I were stuck for ages, unable to get past and into our back door. In the end Johan had to drive us around to the front door via the garden in the game drive vehicle. Life in the bush is never dull!

Thursday 17 September 2020

Lockdown Day 174 - Wednesday 16 September

We went to the gate in the game drive vehicle to collect Dom, Tash and Neil. 
We enjoyed lots of wine on the deck and a lekker braai at the boma. I'm getting a bit lazy with regards to taking photos for the blog. 
South Africa is moving to Lockdown Level One on Sunday and our borders are
starting to open up from 1 October. So if you want to escape the Northern Hemisphere winter and the second wave of Corona infections get on a plane!  Social distancing is easy here and living outdoors is a pleasure in the summer. We have no plans yet for November but if we can we'll head into Namibia and Botswana or maybe Mozambique. Our January and February 2021 calendar is also wide open and we'd love to travel with you! Pictures are of our previous trips to Nam, Bots and Moz!

Lockdown Day 173 - Tuesday 15 September

We anticipate that South Africa will be moving to Level 1 Lockdown soon and that international borders will be opening gradually from 1 October. We are still unsure where to go and when. Cities have lost their appeal. No buzz. No life. No crowds. No parties. I'm beginning to wonder whether festivals and live concerts will even happen in 2021. While we make up our minds, let's have sunset drinks with a view.

Tuesday 15 September 2020

Lockdown Day 172 - Monday 14 September

The weather is hotting up and our Ximongwe check-out date is looming ever closer. I am so at home here; how will I ever leave? But then again I am used to moving. Home is where the heart is... For me that's where family and friends are. Hey, you guys are spread all over the world! That's why I can settle in anywhere! I have lots of homes! Our travelling is divided into two types. I visit "Social Destinations"  and "Tourist Destinations." Exploring new places is great but hanging out with friends and family is better... Sometimes you can do touristy things at "home" and sometimes you can explore tourist destinations with friends too.

Monday 14 September 2020

Lockdown Day 171 - Sunday 13 September

A lazy Sunday reading the papers and catching up on admin and eating leftovers. We had so many animals hanging around all day and in the evening we had an elephant invasion. Coming through the property in small groups we soon lost count. Maybe 30 in all.
And then just after dark, a large breeding herd crossed the river too. This is unusual as the mothers don't often bring the youngsters here - they feel vulnerable trapped between the hillside and the river. We heard them all breaking branches and occasionally trumpeting late into the night. It's the end of winter and food is scarce. It's a tragedy and an immenant environment disaster but there are just too many elephants. There are 20 000 in greater Kruger which has an estimated carrying capacity of only 10 000. If something isn't done soon this whole ecosystem and everything it supports will be gone forever!
And while I'm thinking about things in dire straits, I am also very concerned for artists and in particular live musicians and theatre. Not so much the handful of International Superstars but everyone else in the industry. Let's face it most of us aren't doing the Zoom concerts and shows anymore and quite frankly it was awful anyway to sit staring at the computer screen while someone tried really hard to perform alone in their living room. There's no substitute for the real energy of a live performance or festival as the picture of us at the Grahamstown Arts Festival will attest. 
And my heart is just a little broken tonight after watching " Moffie" an excellent movie based on the true story of a gay young man in the "Army" -  2 years conscription for all white males over 16 in apartheid South Africa - in 1981. No wonder Neil and all my friends never really talk about their army experiences eventhough I've heard all the stories and seen the comardarie. 
Oh and on a lighter note, in more ways than one, I did bake Portuguese rolls!

Lockdown Day 170 - Saturday 12 September

Today the elephants kept us busy. Just after lunch seven males arrived in the garden. One was my old friend Skew Tusk with maybe the two or three friends he sometimes travels with. One was collared. They moved slowly through the property happily eating and at about 4.30pm they came back; drank from the river and a few of them were mock fighting. Four moved off but three hung out here until after seven, delaying the start of our braai. They came very close to the house looking for any green leaves to eat but they were gentle and well behaved; leaving the water tank alone and not breaking any fences. I really love it when they come to the house. I am going to miss this place so much. Ximongwe, how will I be able to leave here? In just 10 days we are packing up for a jaunt in the caravan to Kruger and beyond. (But we will be back for a bit later in October.)

Lockdown Day 169 - Friday 11 September

Hey! Hey! It's Friday! Not that it really matters to retirees in lockdown though. Just another day in paradise. The monkeys got in and stole a bag of peanuts. Now they will be little menaces for the next 4 days. Success is truly motivating. The elephants visited again. On our game drive we saw clear lion spoor but could not find them.Facebook continues to remind us of our traveling life. 
4 years ago: Barging on Canal Du Midi.
5 years ago: Islay Jazz Festival Scotland.

Lockdown Day 168 - Thursday 10 September

Today is Neil's birthday!We had a lazy day with lots of elephants playing in the mud in the river.Johan and Ronell have gone away for a few days, so Neil got to drive the Game Drive Vehicle.  He wanted a braai for dinner and a Tart Tatin for dessert. On Neil's birthday in 2018 we were in Pictou, Nova Scotia. Feels like a lifetime ago. I've noticed a shift towards pre- lockdown behaviour on social media. Most people are back to work. People are out and about, going to restaurants, taking trips and holidays. There are less quizzes, not many pictures of home baking and fewer jokes, platitudes and "pearls of wisdom" are being posted.  I'm going to have to wind down these daily posts soon too. It's been 24 weeks!

Moving to a new blog for

  This Travelling Life...the story seems that after 14 years and over 780 posts this blog has reached full capaci...