Monday 14 September 2020

Lockdown Day 171 - Sunday 13 September

A lazy Sunday reading the papers and catching up on admin and eating leftovers. We had so many animals hanging around all day and in the evening we had an elephant invasion. Coming through the property in small groups we soon lost count. Maybe 30 in all.
And then just after dark, a large breeding herd crossed the river too. This is unusual as the mothers don't often bring the youngsters here - they feel vulnerable trapped between the hillside and the river. We heard them all breaking branches and occasionally trumpeting late into the night. It's the end of winter and food is scarce. It's a tragedy and an immenant environment disaster but there are just too many elephants. There are 20 000 in greater Kruger which has an estimated carrying capacity of only 10 000. If something isn't done soon this whole ecosystem and everything it supports will be gone forever!
And while I'm thinking about things in dire straits, I am also very concerned for artists and in particular live musicians and theatre. Not so much the handful of International Superstars but everyone else in the industry. Let's face it most of us aren't doing the Zoom concerts and shows anymore and quite frankly it was awful anyway to sit staring at the computer screen while someone tried really hard to perform alone in their living room. There's no substitute for the real energy of a live performance or festival as the picture of us at the Grahamstown Arts Festival will attest. 
And my heart is just a little broken tonight after watching " Moffie" an excellent movie based on the true story of a gay young man in the "Army" -  2 years conscription for all white males over 16 in apartheid South Africa - in 1981. No wonder Neil and all my friends never really talk about their army experiences eventhough I've heard all the stories and seen the comardarie. 
Oh and on a lighter note, in more ways than one, I did bake Portuguese rolls!

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