Wednesday 16 September 2015

Edinburgh Festival

The Edinburgh Fringe Festival is by far the biggest arts festival in the world and has been on the Greenie bucket list for years! We booked into Morton Hall Campsite, which was packed with festival goers. The bus service into town is excellent. We booked for 10 nights and end up staying 12. The whole city was abuzz with Festival and Tattoo madness. On weekends it's almost too crowded. Edinburgh is a wonderful city and although I would be lying if I said the weather was good, we did have quite a bit of sunshine and managed to avoid most showers by ducking into pubs and shows.
Getting to grips with the Festival; how to book, how to find all the venues, how to choose when there are 3000 performances a day, takes some getting used to! Our first show was " A Thinking man's guide to Liquor", a comedic history of alcohol and drinking with free beer and shots! The tone was set for the rest of the fest, I fear! Out best show was Blam! - physical theatre, stunts, comedy, like Die Hard meets The Office is how a critic described it. We did see a lot of shows -Magic, Comedy, Musicals, Burlesque and even a few serious pieces. Gotta give a shout out to magicians Paul Dabek and Aaabeduation! By the end we had the routine sussed and next time we will be fringe- pros!
It was great to catch up with Charmaine, Andrew and Anya and Natalie came up for a few days for a wonderful  Singapore Expat Reunion! Danie and John were in town for the tattoo and we managed to get them to a magic show too. Mylene, Coenraad and Coemy also came up for the tattoo and so our parties continued. Another surprise in Edinburgh were the restaurants - We enjoyed Galvin Brasserie and had superb meals at Tom Kitchin's "Castle Terrace" and "Mark Greenaway".

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