Monday 29 June 2020

Lockdown Day 93 - Saturday 27 June

The ellies were here again. There were 5 today. I did a little video of them.
Maybe I need a course in graphic design and online media to up my creative game now that I have some basics. I've been writing a lot during lockdown; mostly random musings. I have started an online course to get into the practice of writing daily. I might even start a book. And then there are the blogs. As with all blogging, there's always room for improving each post, so you have to get it say 80% right ( 60% if you're busy and on the road) and then publish and move on. I've had some time during lockdown to return to old posts to add labels and correct spelling but I'm not going to rehash any. They are representative of a time and a place in my history.
The art materials are mostly untouched. I realise that creativity requires practice and I haven't drawn anything for a long, long time. Writing comes easier these days. Frances asked me for pictures of "Hippo Lodge" at Ximongwe River Camp, the house we call home at the moment. I did take some video a while back but until I can edit that, here are a few pics.

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