Thursday, 16 July 2020

Lockdown Day 111 - Wednesday 15 July

When you go through to the kitchen to make coffee and the White-throated Robin Chat is there to say good morning, you know the day is going to be ok.
The four giraffes are becoming quite regular visitors now and are a little less skittish when they hear us. I've got nice videos of them, so I really do need to get around to learning to edit videos properly.
Ronell gave me a recipe for Pinwheel Spinach Lasagna ( my name for it ) and I was just in the mood for cooking. Delicious and super easy.
Sitting in the lounge after Neil went off to bed, I heard the breaking of branches and  our regular ellie visitor was back at the kitchen door. He loves chomping on the trees between the 2 houses. Watching him through the pantry and bathroom windows, at times he was only 2 metres from me. It's not easy to take photos with a phone in the dark. He always takes his time but eventually he walked up behind the house. He did something to an electrical cable at the water pump which tripped the power and plunged us into darkness until morning.

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